Thursday, June 25, 2009

Helicteres isora | Indian screw-fruit | Murudsheng

Helicteres isora | Indian screw-fruit | Murudsheng
Murudsheng (Murgshrung)

Scientific name:
Helicteres isora

Common name:
Indian screw-fruit

Family: Sterculiaceae

Nature of
Helicteres isora
it is a shurb growing around 1.8 meters in height.
the leaves are ovate in shape with a serrate margin.
flowers are bright orange-red in colour when young and turn blackish before fruiting. fruits in a pod, five together forming a screw like structure.

location: mostly this plant Found in moist and deciduous forests

Special characteristics of
Helicteres isora
Its orange red flowers and screw shaped fruits.

Medicinal uses of
Helicteres isora
Fruits used in treating intestinal complaints, colic pains and flatulence.
roots used in diabetes and in convulsions.

position of
Helicteres isora
common in moist forests during rainy season.

Gulvel | Tinospora cordifolia | Amruta

Gulvel  | Tinospora cordifolia | Amruta

Gulvel (Amruta)

classification of
Tinospora cordifolia

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Ranunculales

Family: Menispermaceae

Genus: Tinospora

Species: T. cordifolia

Family: Meni permaceae

Nature of
Tinospora cordifolia
It is a extensive perennial climber with grayish stem and tubercles on the surface.
it gives out hanging roots from the stem. the leaves are broad and heart-shaped.
the plant bears minute yellow flowers on long spikes

Special Characteristics of
Tinospora cordifolia

The stem is gray with tubercles and has bitter test to its exude.

Medicinal uses of
Tinospora cordifolia
The stem dried along with the bark is source of medicine.
It is a bitter tonic, useful in all types of liver problems. It is also given to reduce body heat (kadki).The plant is also useful in the treatment of jaundice.
Important ayurvadic preparation like "
Amrutarishta"and"Gelvelsatva" are obtained from this plant.

position of
Tinospora cordifolia : Common in the wild on trees.

Ashwagandha | Withama somnifera

Ashwagandha  | Withama somnifera
Ashwagandha (Ashwagandha)

Scientific Name:
Withama somnifera


Nature of
Withama somnifera
It is aA erect perennial Herb growing on wasteland.
The stem and branches are covered with minute star-shaped hairs.
The leaves are ovate with acute apex and about 10 cms. long.

Special Characteristics of
Withama somnifera
Its beautiful red fruits covered with membranous calyx.

Medicinal uses of
Withama somnifera
The drug in the form of alkaloid, is obtained from the dried roots.
it is diuretic in function and used as a tonic for general weakness for all ages.
It is a common ingredient of many ayurvedic health tonics of commerce.

Sariva | Hmidesmus indicus | Anantmool | Indian sarsaparila

Sariva | Hmidesmus indicus  | Anantmool | Indian sarsaparila
Anantmool (Sariva)

classification of Hemidesmus indicus

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Gentianales

Family: Apocynaceae

Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae

Genus: Hemidesmus

Species: H. indicus

Common name: Indian sarsaparila

Nature of Emidesmus indicus
It is a perennial prostrate climber with different shapes of leaves.
rootstocks are fragrant and penetrate deep in the soil.
leaves very greatly in size and shape and opposite in arrangement.
young leaves have whitish midrib.
the flowers are small yellow and purple in colour, borne in umbellate cymes.
fruits with with two follicles and split open when dry.

Special characteristics of Emidesmus indicus
Roots are scented.

Medicianl uses of Emidesmus indicus
Roots are used as diuretic.
It is a well-known plant as blood purifier.
it is also used for improving appetite. young leaves if chewed are refreshing. medicinal preparations like "Raktadoshantak", "Safee" and" Surakta" contain the extract of this plant.
it is also used in ayurvadic and yunani medicine system.

position of Emidesmus indicus: Fairly common in the wild.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sarpagandha | Rauvolfia serpentina | Sarpakshi

Sarpagandha  | Rauvolfia serpentina | Sarpakshi

Sarpagandha (Sarpakshi)

classificaion of Rauvolfia serpentina

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Gentianales

Family: Apocynaceae

Subfamily: Rauvolfioideae

Tribe: Vinceae

Genus: Rauvolfia

Common name: Serpentina Roots

Nature of Rauvolfia serpentina

It is a perennial herb less than a meter in height.
the leaves are long, lanceolate and bright green in colour. they are borne on stem in whorl of three. the flowers are pink or white and are in clusters.
the fruits are small, globose; initially greenish purplbin colour but eventually turning blackish when ripe.

Special characteristics of Rauvolfia serpentina

Its white-pink flowers and berries.

Medicinal usus of Rauvolfia serpentina

Its roots contain several alkaloids. the drug is mostly used as a sedative and for reducing blood pressure.
Used in ayurdice preparations.

position of Rauvolfia serpentina

Due to its heavy demand in medicines, the plant has become extremely rarein the wild.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rui | madar | Calotropis gigantea | Milkweed

Rui  | madar | Calotropis gigantea | Milkweed
classification of Calotropis gigantea

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Gentianales

Family: Apocynaceae

Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae

Genus: Calotropis

Species: C. gigantea

Common name:
Milkweed, Rui (madar)

Nature of
Calotropis gigantea

A common shurb of wasteland and rode side. the leaves are thick, opposite, decussate in arrangement and coated with white powder. flowers are in umble and blue in colour.
Distribution: Throughout india on plains on wastelands.

Special characteristics of
Calotropis gigantea :
Its typical leaves and flowers, which are quite unique in structure.

Medicinal uses of
Calotropis gigantea :

Dry leaf powder used for treating wounds and boils. leaves found to be effective on elephantiasis.
flowers along with jaggery are useful against cough and improving appetite.
the mixture of latex, turmeric and sesame oil, useful in treating scabies.

Leaves and flowers used for worshiping lord Hanuman.
position : Very common.

Sadaphuli | Catharanthus roseus | | Periwinkle

Sadaphuli | Catharanthus roseus | | Periwinkle

classification of
Catharanthus roseus

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Gentianales

Family: Apocynaceae

Genus: Catharanthus

Common name: Periwinkle

Nature of classification of
Catharanthus roseusit is a herb up to one-meter height. leaves are shinning green in clusters. flowers are white or pink in colour.Distribution: The plant is a native of madagascar, but found throughout india.

Special characteristics of
ornamental plant cultivated for its white and pink flowers.
Medicinal uses of Catharanthus roseus:
Roots and leaves are used in medicine. the plant contains alkaloids,which are used in the treatment of tumor, leukemia, hypertension and has a sedative property.
position: Very common; has least risk in the wild.

Halad | Haridra | domestica valenton

Halad  | Haridra | domestica valenton

classificaton of
domestica valenton

Kingdom Plantae

Division Magnoliophyta

Class Liliopsida

Order Urticales

Family Moraceae

Genus Curcuma

Species Longa

Common name: Turmeric

Nature of
domestica valenton
It is a A small herb with long and scented leaves, growing in moist situations. the rhizome is a modified stem, which constitutes turmeric.
Distribution: Found mostly in peninsular india.

Special characteristics of
domestica valenton
Its rhizome and leaves.

Medicianl uses of
domestica valenton:
The plant contains alkaloid curcumin, used for treating cough and cold.
it is widely used as an antiseptic for clotting blood. turmeric is also used in cosmetic preparations.

position : A common plant under cultivation at various places in india.

Datura stramonium | Dhotra | Kanak

Datura stramonium | Dhotra  | Kanak


classification of
Datura stramonium :

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Solanales

Family: Solanaceae

Genus: Datura

Common name: Thorn apple


Nature of
Datura stramonium
it is a herb with lot of branching and large leaves.
flowers are large, white and trumpet shaped.
the fruit is oval in shape, with short prickles all over its surface.
Distribution: Found all over india in plains, especially on wast places.

Special characteristics of
Datura stramonium
Its large flowers; and fruits, which split open when ripe.
Medicinal uses of Datura stramonium
drug consists of dried leaves and seeds.the leaves contain alkaloids hyoscyamine and atropine. the plant is useful in treating bronchitis and asthma, and also has antispasmodic properties.
The plant is used in ayurvedic preparations.

position: Common on waste places, as weed.

Bahava | Suvarnika | Cassia fistula

Bahava  | Suvarnika |  Cassia fistula


classification of
Cassia fistula

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Subclass: Rosidae

Order: Fabales

Family: Fabaceae

Subfamily: Caesalpinioideae

Tribe: Cassieae

Subtribe: Cassiinae

Genus: Cassia

Species: C. fistula Cassia fistula

Common name:
Indian laburnum

Nature of
Cassia fistulait is a medium sized tree with compound leaves.
leaflets larg and shining. flowers are bright yellow and borne in long hanging bunches.
pod is cylindrical and dark brown when ripe.
Distribution: It is found throughout india up to a certain altitude.
common in moist and evergreen forest.

Special characteristics of
Cassia fistula: Beautiful golden yellow flowers in hanging bunch.
medicinal uses of Cassia fistula: Seeds and fruit pulp used as mild laxative. tender leaves juice used in the treatment of scabies.
It's a very good avenue and garden tree.

position: Commonly found in the forest.