Friday, March 4, 2011

Annona squamosa | Image | Custard Apple | Sweet-sop | Sharipha

Annona squamosa-Image

Scientific classification of Annona squamosa
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Annona
Species: A. squamosa
Binomial name:-Annona squamosa.

Common names:-

English . Custard Apple, Sweet-sop;
Gujrati. Anuram, Sitaphal, Sharipha ;
Marathi. Sitaphal.

Description about Annona squamosa
A small tree largely cultivated in gardens ; domesticated and wild in the forests
Three varieties;
  1. Green, which is most common and popular and is the best.
  2. Yellow
  3. the last one is Red.
Annona squamosa description about Fruits
The fruit is exclusively consumed locally.
The white pulp having the consistency of soft butter is used to flavour ice-puddings.
Seeds contain an insecticidal principle.

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