Scientific classification of Annona squamosa
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Annona
Species: A. squamosa
Binomial name:-Annona squamosa.
Common names:-
English . Custard Apple, Sweet-sop;
Gujrati. Anuram, Sitaphal, Sharipha ;
Marathi. Sitaphal.
Description about Annona squamosa
A small tree largely cultivated in gardens ; domesticated and wild in the forests
Three varieties;
The fruit is exclusively consumed locally.
The white pulp having the consistency of soft butter is used to flavour ice-puddings.
Seeds contain an insecticidal principle.
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Annona
Species: A. squamosa
Binomial name:-Annona squamosa.
Common names:-
English . Custard Apple, Sweet-sop;
Gujrati. Anuram, Sitaphal, Sharipha ;
Marathi. Sitaphal.
Description about Annona squamosa
A small tree largely cultivated in gardens ; domesticated and wild in the forests
Three varieties;
- Green, which is most common and popular and is the best.
- Yellow
- the last one is Red.
The fruit is exclusively consumed locally.
The white pulp having the consistency of soft butter is used to flavour ice-puddings.
Seeds contain an insecticidal principle.