Thursday, June 25, 2009

Helicteres isora | Indian screw-fruit | Murudsheng

Murudsheng (Murgshrung)

Scientific name:
Helicteres isora

Common name:
Indian screw-fruit

Family: Sterculiaceae

Nature of
Helicteres isora
it is a shurb growing around 1.8 meters in height.
the leaves are ovate in shape with a serrate margin.
flowers are bright orange-red in colour when young and turn blackish before fruiting. fruits in a pod, five together forming a screw like structure.

location: mostly this plant Found in moist and deciduous forests

Special characteristics of
Helicteres isora
Its orange red flowers and screw shaped fruits.

Medicinal uses of
Helicteres isora
Fruits used in treating intestinal complaints, colic pains and flatulence.
roots used in diabetes and in convulsions.

position of
Helicteres isora
common in moist forests during rainy season.
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