Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sarpagandha | Rauvolfia serpentina | Sarpakshi

Sarpagandha (Sarpakshi)

classificaion of Rauvolfia serpentina

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Gentianales

Family: Apocynaceae

Subfamily: Rauvolfioideae

Tribe: Vinceae

Genus: Rauvolfia

Common name: Serpentina Roots

Nature of Rauvolfia serpentina

It is a perennial herb less than a meter in height.
the leaves are long, lanceolate and bright green in colour. they are borne on stem in whorl of three. the flowers are pink or white and are in clusters.
the fruits are small, globose; initially greenish purplbin colour but eventually turning blackish when ripe.

Special characteristics of Rauvolfia serpentina

Its white-pink flowers and berries.

Medicinal usus of Rauvolfia serpentina

Its roots contain several alkaloids. the drug is mostly used as a sedative and for reducing blood pressure.
Used in ayurdice preparations.

position of Rauvolfia serpentina

Due to its heavy demand in medicines, the plant has become extremely rarein the wild.
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