Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coffea arabica | Taxonomy | classification

Coffea arabica | Taxonomy | classification
Taxonomy of Coffea arabica
Common names of Coffea arabica
English. Coffee ;
Marathi. Bund.

Scientific classification of Coffea arabica
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Genus: Coffea
Species: C. arabica
Binomial name Coffea arabica

Description and uses of Coffea arabica plant

A small tree ; a native of Abyssinia.
Berries contain 2 seeds each, they are roasted, ground into powder from which a beverage is prepared.
It is a refreshing or stimulant drink.

varieties of TARBUJA and fruits

varieties of TARBUJA and fruits
(1) PANDHRE TARBUJA - Fruit whitish outside, flesh deep or pale rosy red ; best to eat.
(2) SAHEBI TARBUJA - Fruit whitish outside, flesh red. Largely found in the Bombay Market. Keeps for a long time.
(3) KALE TARBUJA -Fruit dark-green outside, flesh deep rosy red; not very good to eat.
(4) SURAI - Fruit long, flesh red and seed reddish.

Citrus paradisi | Grape fruit. | Image

Citrus paradisi
Citrus paradisi

Common name :- Grape fruit.

Scientific classification of Citrus paradisi
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus

A small tree.

Citrus Limon | Lemon | Motalimbu | Jambira | Idalimbu | Jamburi.

Citrus Limon | Lemon |  Motalimbu  | Jambira  | Idalimbu | Jamburi.
Common names
Lemon, Motalimbu, Jambira , Idalimbu, Jamburi.

Scientific classification of Citrus Limon

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus

Description and uses of Citrus Limon tree

A small tree ; rarely grown for fruit; The plant is usd to bud oranges.
The fruit is smaller and rough.
The juice the fruits are sometimes used for making pickles.

Citrus medica garden plant | image(picture) | Taxonomy and classification

Citrus medica garden plant
Citrus medica garden plant | image(picture) | Taxonomy and classification

Scientific classification of Citrus medica

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Species: C. medica
Binomial name Citrus medica

Common names of Citrus medica

English- Citron;
Gujrati. Bijoru;
Hindi. Turanj ;
Marathi- Mahalunga.

Description and uses of Citrus medica Tree

Citrus medica a small tree.
The fruit is large, skin warty and rough and the rind very thick.
The pulp is bitter and acidic, pale-white in colour.
The fruit is used for pickles and preserves.

Fruit tree Citrus grandis | Taxonomy of Papnas.

Fruit tree Citrus grandis | Taxonomy  of Papnas.
Fruit tree Citrus grandis
Family — Rutacese.

Common names of Citrus grandis
English. Pomelo ;
Gujrati. Popnas;
Marathi. Papnas.

Description and uses of Fruit tree Citrus grandis
Citrus grandis is Fruit Trees with A round headed bushy tree, a native of Malaya.
It occupies about 3000 acres to Cultivate.

varieties of Fruit tree Citrus grandis
  1. Red or rose flesh
  2. White flesh.

The former is very popular and sweeter than the latter.
An inter¬mediate variety with pink flesh is occasionally found.
The fruit is eaten along with sugar or salt and is much relished.

Taxonomy of Cicca acida tree | Country gooseberry | Amla | Harparauri | Kirnelli | Rai-amba.

Taxonomy of  Cicca acida tree | Country gooseberry  | Amla  | Harparauri | Kirnelli |  Rai-amba.
Taxonomy of Cicca acida


Common names of Cicca acida
Country gooseberry , Amla , Harparauri ,Kirnelli , Rai-amba.

Description and uses of Cicca acida tree

A small tree.
Cultivated in gardens .
It bears fruits twice a year—once in April-May and again at the end of rains.
The fruit is extremely sour and is usually eaten cooked with sugar.
It is also made into pickle.

Chrysophyllum cainito | Star-apple | Taraphal.

Chrysophyllum cainito | Star-apple | Taraphal.
Taxonomy of Chrysophyllum cainito

Scientific classification of Chrysophyllum cainito
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Ericales
Family: Sapotaceae
Genus: Chrysophyllum
Species: C. cainito
Binomial name :-Chrysophyllum cainito

Common names of Chrysophyllum cainito
Star-apple , Taraphal.

Description and uses of Chrysophyllum cainito plant

A medium sized evergreen tree.
They are also planted in gardens .
The fruit is slightly larger than a Chiku fruit and when cut open shows 8 to 10 compartments arranged like a star (hence the name star-apple).
It contains small amount of sugar and is not much relished.

varieties of Artocarpus integra

varieties of Artocarpus  integra

Artocarpus integra

Family .—Moraceas

Common names:- Jack Fruit Tree , Vanas , Chakki ,Halasu , Phanas.

A large evergreen tree.

varieties of Artocarpus integra

  1. Barka—pericarp is easily opened with soft pulp succulent bracts and is eaten when fresh.
  2. Kapa-pericarp is hard to open with firm pulp and keeps longer. The fruit is used as a vegetable when green. When ripe, pulp is eaten.
  3. Seeds when roasted are very palatable and nutritious.