Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coffea arabica | Taxonomy | classification

Coffea arabica | Taxonomy | classification
Taxonomy of Coffea arabica
Common names of Coffea arabica
English. Coffee ;
Marathi. Bund.

Scientific classification of Coffea arabica
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Genus: Coffea
Species: C. arabica
Binomial name Coffea arabica

Description and uses of Coffea arabica plant

A small tree ; a native of Abyssinia.
Berries contain 2 seeds each, they are roasted, ground into powder from which a beverage is prepared.
It is a refreshing or stimulant drink.

Citrus paradisi | Grape fruit. | Image

Citrus paradisi
Citrus paradisi

Common name :- Grape fruit.

Scientific classification of Citrus paradisi
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus

A small tree.

Chrysophyllum cainito | Star-apple | Taraphal.

Chrysophyllum cainito | Star-apple | Taraphal.
Taxonomy of Chrysophyllum cainito

Scientific classification of Chrysophyllum cainito
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Ericales
Family: Sapotaceae
Genus: Chrysophyllum
Species: C. cainito
Binomial name :-Chrysophyllum cainito

Common names of Chrysophyllum cainito
Star-apple , Taraphal.

Description and uses of Chrysophyllum cainito plant

A medium sized evergreen tree.
They are also planted in gardens .
The fruit is slightly larger than a Chiku fruit and when cut open shows 8 to 10 compartments arranged like a star (hence the name star-apple).
It contains small amount of sugar and is not much relished.

Carica papaya | Papai | Papita | Pangf.

Carica papaya |   Papai  | Papita  | Pangf.
Carica papaya's taxonomy
Scientific classification of
Carica papaya

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Brassicales
Family: Caricaceae
Genus: Carica
Species: C. papaya
Binomial name :-Carica papaya

Common names of Carica papaya:
Papai , Papita ,Pangf.

Description and uses of Carica papaya plant
Papayas can be used as a food, a cooking aid, and in medicine.
The stem and bark are also used mostly in rope production.

Borassus flabellifer | Palmyra Palm | Tad

Borassus flabellifer  | Palmyra Palm | Tad
Scientific classification of Borassus flabellifer
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Arecales
Family: Arecaceae
Genus: Borassus
Species: B. flabellifer
Binomial name:-Borassus flabellifer

Common names of Borassus flabellifer

English name.:-Palmyra Palm;
Gujrati name:- Tad;
Hindi name. Tad;

Description of Tad

A large erect palm. Cultivated and self sown in the districts of the State.
The unripe seedTad-gola are eaten during the hot weather. They are cooling
Inflorescence is tapped for toddy which is fermented and it HI

Averrhoa bilimbi | Anvalla | Bhimbu | Scientific classification | Common names

Averrhoa bilimbi | Anvalla  | Bhimbu | Scientific classification | Common names

Averrhoa bilimbi

Scientific classification of Averrhoa bilimbi
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Oxalidales
Family: Oxalidaceae
Genus: Averrhoa
Species: A. bilimbi
Binomial name:-Averrhoa bilimbi

Common names

Hindi:-Anvalla, Bhimbu ;

Marathi:- Bilimbi, Bimbal.

A small tree, sparingly grown in gardens.

The fruit resembles large tondali .

they arc borne in clusters on the tree .

They are are used only for preparing pickles,

Artocarpus Integra | Phanas. | Jack Fruit Tree | Scientific classification

Artocarpus Integra | Phanas. | Jack Fruit Tree | Scientific classification
Scientific classification of Artocarpus Integra
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Rosales
Family: Moraceae
Tribe: Artocarpeae
Genus: Artocarpus

Common names of Artocarpus Integra.
English Jack Fruit Tree ;
Gujrati. Vanas ;
Hindi. Chakki;
Marathi. Phanas.

A large evergreen tree, widely cultivated ; grown in gardens .
There are two varieties of this fruit.
  1. Barka— eaten when fresh.
  2. Kapa-pericarp is hard to open with firm pulp and keeps longer.
The fruit is used as a vegetable when green. When ripe, pulp is eaten. Seeds when roasted are very palatable and nutritious.
The soft pulp from the Barka variety is much used for preparing
Papads are also prepared from the pulp mixed with salt and chili-powder.