Saturday, March 5, 2011

Taxonomy of Cicca acida tree | Country gooseberry | Amla | Harparauri | Kirnelli | Rai-amba.

Taxonomy of  Cicca acida tree | Country gooseberry  | Amla  | Harparauri | Kirnelli |  Rai-amba.
Taxonomy of Cicca acida


Common names of Cicca acida
Country gooseberry , Amla , Harparauri ,Kirnelli , Rai-amba.

Description and uses of Cicca acida tree

A small tree.
Cultivated in gardens .
It bears fruits twice a year—once in April-May and again at the end of rains.
The fruit is extremely sour and is usually eaten cooked with sugar.
It is also made into pickle.