Saturday, March 5, 2011

Artocarpus Integra | Phanas. | Jack Fruit Tree | Scientific classification

Scientific classification of Artocarpus Integra
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Rosales
Family: Moraceae
Tribe: Artocarpeae
Genus: Artocarpus

Common names of Artocarpus Integra.
English Jack Fruit Tree ;
Gujrati. Vanas ;
Hindi. Chakki;
Marathi. Phanas.

A large evergreen tree, widely cultivated ; grown in gardens .
There are two varieties of this fruit.
  1. Barka— eaten when fresh.
  2. Kapa-pericarp is hard to open with firm pulp and keeps longer.
The fruit is used as a vegetable when green. When ripe, pulp is eaten. Seeds when roasted are very palatable and nutritious.
The soft pulp from the Barka variety is much used for preparing
Papads are also prepared from the pulp mixed with salt and chili-powder.
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