Monday, June 23, 2008

Elettaria cardamomum | Elachi | Elaka | yelam |elachi | chhotiilaichi | veldode

Elettaria cardamomum (elachi)
Common name:-elaka,yelam,elachi,chhoti ilaichi., veldode...etc
Nature:-it is a herb. A herb with overweight branched corm, broad and several rigid stems. Which going up to 4 meter high.
Leaves:-leaves are mostly large with 40-95 cm long, slim, with one strong middle nerve.
Flower:-flowers are about 5 cm long they are green and probbabaly yellow in colour.
Fruits:-fruits are not so big but they easy to get to in market are faded with sulphur vapors.
Medicinal uses:-drugs obtained by the dried fruits of this plant.
The seeds are also useful but they are taken out from the fruits just when there use required. Cardamom is used mainly for easing turgidity. ,, to encourage digestion.
It is mostly known s flavouring agent. Its most of uses in the cooking and making of cakes also.
The oil which obtained from seeds is used for flavouring beverages.
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