Sunday, June 22, 2008


COMMON NAMES:-lal dudhi, barker, dudheli, accegida, nelapalai, nanabala etc..

NATURE:-its an annual herb.which is erect upto 45 cm high.

LEAVES:-mostly leaves in opposite pairs small, upto about 5 cm long.dark green on upper portion.

FLOWERS:-flowers whitish , minute , in small , axiallary, stalked clusters.

FRUITS:-fruits small, 1-2 mm diameter, hairy;sedds 3-angled, wrinkled, light reddish brown.


The entire plant, collected in the flowering and fruiting stage and dried, constitutes the drugs. The leaves of euphorbia hirta are eaten as vegetable. The plants promotes formation and flow of milk. The roots of the plants useful to stop vomiting. The milky juice of the plants is applied on warts.

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