Family—Caesalpiniaceae. Common Names. :- Anjan ,Kamra; A deciduous tree growing in the dry forests in the State. Leaves are eaten by cattle. A very gut id green fodder.
Ficus Hispida Family .—Urticaceos. Common Names:- Dhed-umera , Gokla, Kangsha , Dhed, Kala umber. A shrub or a small lice ; throughout Konkan and N. Kanara along 'he river-banks and in moist situations. I eaves are eaten by cattle.
Feronia Elephantum Family.—Rutaceae. Common Names:- Kavit , Kait , Byala ,Kavath. A large deciduous thorny tree growing wild throughout the State in dry situations; common in the Konkan and Deccan. Leaves are eaten by sheep and goats.
Taxonomy Of Grewia TilleFolia Family .—Tiliaceae. Common NAme: Dhamana; Dhamin ; Butale; Dhamani. A moderate-sized tree growing ibroiighoul the Stale in deciduous forests. Leaves arc ealen by buiraloei.
Taxonomy Of Gmelina Arborea | Shivan | Savan Family .—Verbenaceae .Common Names :-Savan; Gumbhar, Shivan; Kumbudi, Shivani ,Shiwan. A moderate-sized tree growing throughout the State in deciduous forests; Common in the Satpudas, Khandesh, Dangs. Fruits are eaten by cattle..
Taxonomy Of Garuga Pinnata Family .—Burseraceae. Common Names :-Ghoga,Aranelli, Balagi,Kakad. A large deciduous tree growing in dry deciduous forests in the State; common in the Konkan and the Deccan hills. Leaves are eaten by cattle.
Taxonomy of Gardenia Latifolia Family.—Rubiaceae. Common Names. :- Papra ,Kalkambi ,Ghogar,Pandru. A small deciduous tree, common in the dry forests in the State. Leaves are eaten by cattle