scientific classification of Adhatoda vasica nees
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Lamiales
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Justicia
Species: J. adhatoda
Common name: Adulsa (Vasaka)
It is a evergreen shrub about 2.2-3.5 meters high, wich have long leaves and white flowers in axillary spike.
This plant occurs throughout india except mountian regions.
characteristics of Adhatoda vasica : Leaves are long and dark green in colour. cattle do not eat this plant as the leaves emit an unpleassant smell.
Medicinal uses of Adhatoda vasica nees
Both leaves and flowers are used medicinally. juice of leaves given along with honey, for treating cough and asthma. it contains durg vasacine, which is brancho-dialator.
most ayurvedic cough mixtures cotain juice extracted from the leaves of this plant. leaves are used as green manur, and for packing purposes.
very common in konkan region.