Saturday, March 5, 2011

Coffea arabica | Taxonomy | classification

Coffea arabica | Taxonomy | classification
Taxonomy of Coffea arabica
Common names of Coffea arabica
English. Coffee ;
Marathi. Bund.

Scientific classification of Coffea arabica
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Genus: Coffea
Species: C. arabica
Binomial name Coffea arabica

Description and uses of Coffea arabica plant

A small tree ; a native of Abyssinia.
Berries contain 2 seeds each, they are roasted, ground into powder from which a beverage is prepared.
It is a refreshing or stimulant drink.

Citrus paradisi | Grape fruit. | Image

Citrus paradisi
Citrus paradisi

Common name :- Grape fruit.

Scientific classification of Citrus paradisi
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus

A small tree.

Chrysophyllum cainito | Star-apple | Taraphal.

Chrysophyllum cainito | Star-apple | Taraphal.
Taxonomy of Chrysophyllum cainito

Scientific classification of Chrysophyllum cainito
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Ericales
Family: Sapotaceae
Genus: Chrysophyllum
Species: C. cainito
Binomial name :-Chrysophyllum cainito

Common names of Chrysophyllum cainito
Star-apple , Taraphal.

Description and uses of Chrysophyllum cainito plant

A medium sized evergreen tree.
They are also planted in gardens .
The fruit is slightly larger than a Chiku fruit and when cut open shows 8 to 10 compartments arranged like a star (hence the name star-apple).
It contains small amount of sugar and is not much relished.

Carica papaya | Papai | Papita | Pangf.

Carica papaya |   Papai  | Papita  | Pangf.
Carica papaya's taxonomy
Scientific classification of
Carica papaya

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Brassicales
Family: Caricaceae
Genus: Carica
Species: C. papaya
Binomial name :-Carica papaya

Common names of Carica papaya:
Papai , Papita ,Pangf.

Description and uses of Carica papaya plant
Papayas can be used as a food, a cooking aid, and in medicine.
The stem and bark are also used mostly in rope production.

Borassus flabellifer | Palmyra Palm | Tad

Borassus flabellifer  | Palmyra Palm | Tad
Scientific classification of Borassus flabellifer
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Arecales
Family: Arecaceae
Genus: Borassus
Species: B. flabellifer
Binomial name:-Borassus flabellifer

Common names of Borassus flabellifer

English name.:-Palmyra Palm;
Gujrati name:- Tad;
Hindi name. Tad;

Description of Tad

A large erect palm. Cultivated and self sown in the districts of the State.
The unripe seedTad-gola are eaten during the hot weather. They are cooling
Inflorescence is tapped for toddy which is fermented and it HI

Averrhoa bilimbi | Anvalla | Bhimbu | Scientific classification | Common names

Averrhoa bilimbi | Anvalla  | Bhimbu | Scientific classification | Common names

Averrhoa bilimbi

Scientific classification of Averrhoa bilimbi
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Oxalidales
Family: Oxalidaceae
Genus: Averrhoa
Species: A. bilimbi
Binomial name:-Averrhoa bilimbi

Common names

Hindi:-Anvalla, Bhimbu ;

Marathi:- Bilimbi, Bimbal.

A small tree, sparingly grown in gardens.

The fruit resembles large tondali .

they arc borne in clusters on the tree .

They are are used only for preparing pickles,