Scientific classification of boerhavia diffusa | punarnava
Kingdom: plantae
division: magnoliophyta
class: magnoliopsida
order: caryophyllales
family: nyctaginaceae
genus: boerhavia
Common names:-santhi,moto satado,ataki,sanadika,gonajali,sanadika,,sothaghna,..etc..
Nature:-it is a herb mostly spreads on the ground ..
Leaves:-leaves are small wth whitish on the lower surfaceand upper green.
Flowers:-flowers are very small reddish in colour .
Fruits:-fruits with five coloring glandular.
Medicinal uses:-this plants root is uesful.
The drug punarnava made up by this plants leaves ands eeds.
This drug consists the alkaloid. Real use of this drug is diuretic.. But large dose can bring regarding vomiti ng