Friday, March 4, 2011

Anona reticulata | Scientific classification | Family | Genus

Anona reticulata | Scientific classification | Family | Genus
Anona reticulata
Scientific classification of Anona reticulata
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Annona
Species: A. reticulata
Binomial name :-Annona reticulata

Common names:-
English name:- Bullock's heart;
Gujrati name:-. Ramphal;
Marathi name.:-Ramphal.

Medicinal uses and description of Anona reticulata :-

It is a small tree. It is very rarely cultivated in Bombay State.
The fruit is 10 15 cm in diameter, almost heart-shaped (hence the name Bullock heart).
yellowish-red .

Anona muricata | Soursop | Mamphal | Common names |

Anona muricata | Soursop |  Mamphal |   Common names |
Anona muricata

Scientific classification of Anona muricata
  1. Kingdom- Plantae
  2. Family- Annonaceae
  3. Genus- Annona
  4. Species- A. muricata
Binomial name-: Annona muricata

Common names
  1. English:-Soursop;
  2. Marathi:- Mamphal.

Anona muricata :-it is a small shrubby tree.
It is occasionally grown in large gardens.
The fruit varies in form from kidney-shaped to ovoid.
It is covered with soft green prickles.

ANONA CHERIMOLYIYA | Bullock's Heart | Marutiphal | Hanamphala | images


Scientific classification of ANONA CHERIMOLYIYA

Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Magnoliales
Family: Annonaceae
Genus: Annona
Species: A. cherimola
Binomial name :Annona cherimola

Common names:- Marutiphal , Hanamphala.

ANONA CHERIMOLYIYA is a small tree ; It is a native of Equador and Peru.
In India it is grown in the Nilgiri Hills.
The fruit is large, green, round, oblong or heart-shaped with pitted rind.
It is very delicious.
It much Appear like Ramphal (Bullock's Heart) but is a bit superior to it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Medicinal plants info

Medicinal plants info
Medicinal plants and properties.
The Question comes Why we need medicinal plants in today's life, because
Medicinal plants are number of plants thought by some to have medicinal properties and uses.
We use medicinal plants as natural medicines.
Here we will talk about the best natural medicinal plants and their uses in human being.
so Get information on the history of medicinal plants , herb and its uses and the side effects.
Key to find out more about medicinal plants are:-
List of medicinal plants.
Medicinal plants and their uses.
Ayurvedic medicine.
Herbal medicine plant
Medicinal plants in india

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Celosia Christata | E.Cock's-comb

Celosia Christata | E.Cock's-comb
Celosia Christata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Core eudicots
Order: Caryophyllales
Family: Amaranthaceae
Genus: Celosia
Species: C. cristata
Binomial name
Celosia cristata

Commonn names:E.Cock's-comb

A plant is similar to celosia Argentea but develops under cultivation monstrous and curiosly branched flower heads are showy.
Propagated by seeds.