Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Classification of SWERTIYA CHIRAYATA

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Gentianales

Family: Gentianaceae

Genus: Swertia

Common names of swertiya chirayata:-nelabevu,kirata-tikta,nila vembu,chirata..

NATURE:-It is a herb with height of 1.6 cm. The plant prefers light , medium and heavy soils.

LEAVES:-Leaves are mostly appears in opposite pairs, about 12 cm long, withought stalk.

FLOWERS:-Flowers are mostly pale green , tinged with purple. Itsflowering appears from September to October.

FRUITS:-Fruits are likely8 mm long and ovoid in shape.

MEIDCINAL USES:-chirayata is known as its bitter properties.it is given in malerial fever.it is given in fever and weakness. It is well known for its stomachal property also. It also contains xanthones, which are reputedly effective against malaria and tuberculosis, and also amarogentin, a glycoside that may protect the liver against carbon tetrachloride poisoning.

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