Monday, January 9, 2012

Pictures of the flowers |trees | plants popular list

list of popular plants year 2011
  1. adulsa
  2. sadabahar plant
  3. gulvel
  4. vekhand
  5. calotropis gigantea
  6. helicteres isora
  7. mulethi plant
  8. adhatoda zeylanica
  9. costus speciosus
  10. gokhru plant
  11. ambehalad
  12. sarpagandha
  13. catharanthus roseus
  14. pudina plant
  15. tylophora indica
  16. sabja
  17. daruhaldi
  18. punarnava plant
  19. madar plant
  20. crataeva nurvala
  21. madhuca indica
  22. kalijiri
  23. rui plant
  24. chitrak plant
  25. chopchini
  26. kutaj
  27. korphad plant
  28. khirni plant
  29. badishep
  30. bel plant
  31. azadirachta indica (neem)
  32. aavla
  33. ashok medicinal plant
  34. shirish tree
  35. gulwel
  36. babhul
  37. shevari
  38. kanchan plant
  39. sonchafa flower
  40. ajvain
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FYJC XI standard online admisson Process and declaraton of Merit list . Cut off List For prevous year also . 10 Th Results onlne declaraton Maharashtra Region .

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