Scientific clasification of Aegle marmelos
Kingdom: Plantae
Order: Sapindales
Family: Rutaceae
Subfamily: Aurantioideae
Tribe: Clauseneae
Genus: Aegle
Species: A. marmelos
Common name: Bilva
It is a tree with strong axillary thorns and trifoliat leaves. fruits are round in shape , woody with orang-coloured sweet aromatic pulp.
Throughout india on plains and perfers dry climate.
characteristic of Aegle marmelos
characteristic of Aegle marmelos
Trioliat leaves used for worshipping'lord shiva'. fruits are edible.
Medicnal uses of Aegle marmelos
Leaves and fruits are used in medicine. fruits cotain mucilage and pectin; and are used in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentery. its pulp gives cooling effect, hence used for preparing "sharbat". unripe fruits used for improving appetite. Fruit pulp used in ayurvedic medicine.
position: Fairly common in in dry parts of india.
position: Fairly common in in dry parts of india.