Tuesday, June 3, 2008



Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Subclass: Asteridae

Order: Gentianales

Family: Apocynaceae

Subfamily: Asclepiadaceae

Genus: Pergularia

common name:- sadovani, karail, yagaphala,veliparti. etc..

Nature:-it is a herb.stem is hairy nad with milky juice.

Leaves:-Leaves are 4-6 cm long, sometimes more, ovate or round, hairy on lower surface, deeply chordate at base.

Flowers:-Flowers are mostly pale in colour , small, in short clusters.

Fruits:-Fruits are reflexed in pairs, and reflexed in pairs 5-8 cm long,1.4 cm broad,which is covered with spinous outgrowths.

Medicinal uses:-Mostly every part of the plants are used in as medicine

the juice of the leaves is given in catarrhal affection and infantilediarrhoea. It forms a constituent of a purgative preparation given in rheumatism .

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