Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bilimbi | Averrhoa

BILIMBI ( Averrhoa)

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliopsida

Order: Oxalidales

Family: Oxalidaceae

Genus: Averrhoa

Species: bilimbi

it is essentially a tropical tree, which has lower resistant to cold than the carambola, it grows most of in rich and

well-drained soil. It favours mostly distributed rainfall throughout the year, .. this tree requires protection from wind and cold.

The bilimbi tree is long-lived, reaches 2-3 m in height. Its trunk is short and quickly divides up into branching. Bilimbi


leaves, 6-49 cm long,and they are alternate, imparipinnate and cluster at branch extremities. There are around 9 to 16


Its flowers, like its fruits, are found in hairy panicles that directly emerge from the trunk as well as from the oldest, most solid branches. The yellowish or purplish flowers are tiny, fragrant and have 5 petals.


The bilimbi fruit's form ranges from ellipsoid to almost cylindrical. Its length is 4-10 cm. The bilimbi is 5-sided, but in a less marked way than the carambola. At the stem's end, the fruit is capped with a star-shape calyx. If unripe, it is bright green and crispy. It turns yellowish as it ripens. The flesh is juicy, green and extremely acidic. The fruit's skin is glossy and very thin
Seeds are small (4 mm) and brown. They are form is disc-like and flattened

Medicinal uses:-

mostly the leaves serve as a paste on itches, swelling, rheumatism, mumps or skin eruptions. In or to another place, they re used for bites of poisonous creatures. A leaf infusion is efficient against or as an after-birth tonic,.
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