Aeglesmarmelos | bel | Images | classification
common name : bel
botanical name: aegle marmelos
family :rutaceae
nature-a medium-size deciduuous tree bearing strong axillary thorn.
leaves with 3 or 5 leaflets.
flowers greenish-white, sweet-scented,about 2.5cm across, in small bunches.
fruits 8-20 cm diameter, globes, green, finally grevish:
this tree occurs in the submontane region and plains almost throught is also
uses:-the wood is suitable for making charcoal for producer gas plants.
the gummy substance, in which the seeds remain embedded, is used as an adhesive,
and in varnishes and cementing mixtures.the rind of unripe fruit yields a yellow
common name : bel
botanical name: aegle marmelos
family :rutaceae
nature-a medium-size deciduuous tree bearing strong axillary thorn.
leaves with 3 or 5 leaflets.
flowers greenish-white, sweet-scented,about 2.5cm across, in small bunches.
fruits 8-20 cm diameter, globes, green, finally grevish:
this tree occurs in the submontane region and plains almost throught is also
uses:-the wood is suitable for making charcoal for producer gas plants.
the gummy substance, in which the seeds remain embedded, is used as an adhesive,
and in varnishes and cementing mixtures.the rind of unripe fruit yields a yellow